CD4528 Dual Monostable Multivibrator – Datasheet


The CD4528 is a part of the CD4000 IC series. CD4528 is a dual monostable multivibrator. Each device is retriggerable and resettable. Triggering can occur from either the rising or falling edge of an input pulse, resulting in an output pulse over a wide range of widths. Pulse duration and accuracy are determined by external timing components Rx and Cx. The CD4528 IC has a wide range of working voltage, a wide range of working conditions, and directly interfaces with CMOS, NMOS, and TTL configurations. The output of the IC always comes in TTL which makes it easy to work with other TTL devices and microcontrollers.

Monostable Multivibrator

A monostable multivibrator (MMV), often called a one-shot multivibrator, is a pulse generator circuit in which the duration of the pulse is determined by the R-C network, connected externally to the 555 timers. In such a vibrator, one state of output is stable while the other is quasi-stable (unstable). For auto-triggering of output from a quasi-stable state to a stable state, energy is stored by an externally connected capaci­tor to a reference level. The time taken in storage determines the pulse width.

CD4528 Key Features

  • Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 18V
  • Separate reset available
  • Quiescent current = 5.0 nA/package (typ.) at 5.0 VDC
  • Diode protection on all inputs
  • Triggerable from leading or trailing edge pulse
  • Capable of driving two low-power TTL loads or one low power Schottky TTL load over the rated temperature range

CD4528 Pinout

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1TIA Transition Pin1 of A1
2T2ATransition Pin2 of A1
3CDACapacitor of Transition A
4A1 INA1 Input of Multivibrator
5B1 INB1 Input of Multivibrator
6QA-OUTOutput of Multivibrator A
7QA’ OUTInvert Output of Multivibrator A
8VSSSource Supply
9QB’OUTOutput of Multivibrator B
10QB-OUTInvert Output of Multivibrator B
11A2 INInput A2 of Multivibrator
12B2 INInput B2 of Multivibrator
13CDBCapacitor of Transition B
14T1BTransition Pin1 of B1
15T2BTransition Pin2 of B1
16VDDDrain supply


  •  Delay and Timing Circuits

CD4528 Datasheet

You can download the datasheet for CD4528 Dual Monostable Multivibrator IC from the link given below:

See Also: 74LS08 Quadruple Two Input AND Gate IC |74LS32 Quad 2 – Input OR Logic Gate IC| 74LS25 Dual 4 – Input NOR Gate IC with Strobe