CD4521 24-Stage Frequency Divider – Datasheet


The CD4521 belongs to the CD4000 IC series. CD4521 consists Of an oscillator section and 24 ripple-carry binary counter stages. The oscillator configuration (using IN’) allows the design of either NC or crystal oscillator circuits. INI should be tied either HIGH or LOW when not in use. A HIGH on the RESET causes the counter to go to the all-O’s state and disables the oscillator. The CD4521 IC has a wide range of working voltage, a wide range of working conditions, and directly interfaces with CMOS, NMOS, and TTL.

Frequency Divider

A Frequency Divider is a circuit that divides a given frequency by a factor of n, where n is an integer. Based on the application, Frequency Dividers can be designed for both Analog and Digital domains. Analog Frequency Dividers are used for very high frequency application but are very rarely used. They are further classified into Regenerative Dividers, Parametric Dividers and Harmonic Injection Dividers.

CD4521 Key Features

  • Reset disables the RC oscillator for low power standby condition
  • VDD’ and Vss’ pins are brought out from the crystal oscillator to allow use Of
    • external resistors for low-power operation
  • Maximum input current Of 1 PA at 18 V
    • Over full package-temperature range: 100 nA at 18 V and 250C
  • Common reset
  • 100% tested for 20-V quiescent current
  • 5, 10 and 15 V parametric ratings
  • Standardized symmetrical output characteristics

CD4521 Pinout

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1Q24Output for 2^24 Count
2RESETReset Pin
3VSS’Invert of Source Supply
4OUT 2Output Pin 2
5VDD’Invert of drain supply
6IN 2Input pin 2
7OUT 1Output Pin 1
8VSSSource Supply
9IN 1Input Pin 1
10Q18Output for 2^18 Count
11Q19Output for 2^19 Count
12Q20Output for 2^20 Count
13Q21Output for 2^21 Count
14Q22Output for 2^22 Count
15Q23Output for 2^23 Count
16VDDDrain Supply


  • Satellite communications
  • Fiber optics
  • Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radios
  • Test equipment
  • Military and space

CD4521 Datasheet

You can download this datasheet forCD4521 24-Stage Frequency Divider IC from the link given below:

See Also: 74LS48 BCD-to-7 Segment Decoder – Datasheet | 74LS32 Quad 2 – Input OR Gate IC – Datasheet | 7407 Hex Buffer IC

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