CD4020 14-Stage Binary/Ripple Counter – Datasheet


The CD4020 is a 14-stage ripple carry binary counter. The IC is a part of the CD4XXX IC series. CD4020 counters advance one count on the negative transition of each clock pulse. The counters are reset to the zero states by a logical “1” at the reset input independent of the clock. The IC offers a wide variety of features such as high noise immunity, low thermal dissipation, and ESD barring. Each I/O pin of the IC is protected from static damage by the use of I/O clamping diodes. The output of the IC always comes in TTL, which makes it easy to interface with other CMOS and TTL devices such as MCUs and MPUs

What is a Binary Ripple Counter?

A binary ripple counter generally uses a bistable multivibrator circuit so that cache input applied to the counter causes the count to advance or decrease. The Q and Q output terminals are always logically opposite. If the Q output is logical 1 (SET), the Q output then logical 0, If the Q output is logical 0 (REST), then the output is logical 1.A simple Binary ripple counter can easily be made by rigging at least two D – type flip flops.

CD4020 Key Features

  • Wide supply voltage range: 1.0V to 15V
  • High noise immunity: 0.45 VDD (typ.)
  • Low power TTL compatibility: Fan out of 2 driving 74L or 1 driving 74LS
  • Medium speed operation: 8 MHz typ. at VDD = 10V
  • Schmitt trigger clock input

CD4020 Pinout

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1Q12Counter output 12
2Q13Counter output 13
3Q14Counter output 14
4Q6Counter output 6
5Q5Counter output 5
6Q7Counter output 7
7Q4Counter output 4
8VSSSource supply Voltage
9Q1Counter output 1
10CLK 1Clock signal
11RReset value
12Q9Counter output 9
13Q8Counter output 8
14Q10Counter output 10
15Q11Counter output 11
16VDDDrain supply Voltage


  • Control counters
  • Timers
  • Time-delay circuits
  • Frequency dividers

CD4020 Datasheet

You can download the datasheet for CD4020 14-Stage Binary/Ripple Counter IC from the link given below:

See Also: CD4516 Binary Up Down Counter – Datasheet | CD4007 Dual Complementary Pair with Inverter – Datasheet | CD4070 Quad EXCLUSIVE-OR Gate – Datasheet