Wireless Power Light Array using IC 555


Nowadays in the field of electronics, wireless power transmission is the most wanted and demanding technology. For this different types of technologies are being used but the most popular application of this is the wireless mobile charging system. But in this tutorial, we will design and learn how wireless power transmission works. It is a process to supply power via airgap, without any physical connection. There are two parts, transmitter, and receiver. The transmitter generates a high-frequency electromagnetic field that transmits power to the receiver without any physical connection. Then the receiver extracts the magnetic field to the electrical load.

Hardware Required

1.ICNE555 Timer1
5.Light Arrey White LED * 121
6.Tx-L (Coil made through 30 SWG, enameled copper wire with 5CM dia / 30 turns)1
7.Rx-L (Coil made through 30 SWG, enameled copper wire with 5CM dia / 30 turns)1
8.Connecting Wires

Circuit Diagram

Working Explanation

Transmitter Part:

The NE555 Timer IC is the main chip in the transmitter device. When it is configured, it will produce an output pulse. This output pulse controls by the resistors and capacitor which is connected to the 555IC. In the circuit, the transistor working is like a switching device, therefore its base terminal is connected to the output pulse, and the collector terminal is connected to the primary coil. The primary coil produced DC bias magnetic flux around it.

Receiver Part:

In the receiver device, when we put the secondary coil near/in front of the primary coil then the secondary coil comes into the magnetic flux produced by the primary coil. Then secondary coil induced the magnetic flux into alternative power in the receiving device that induced Electric Field that will turn on the LEDs. LEDs are connecting in parallel as it’s an array of Wireless power transmissions so all will glow together.


  • Charging devices wirelessly
  • DC Fans
  • Helps in making Waterproof Products
  • Wireless Lamp