Ticking Bomb Sound Circuit – Electronics Projects


In this tutorial, we will show you how to make a circuit that produces a “tick tick” sound when powered up. This sound is similar to that of a time bomb that is about to explode. To make this circuit we will use some of the basic electronic components such as a 555 timer IC and a speaker. The electrical signals produced by the 555 timers will be converted into sound by the speaker.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Ticking Sound Circuit

S. NOComponentValueQty
3.Connecting Wires1
4.ICNE555 Timer1
5.Speaker8 ohm1
7.Resistor47K ohm1

555 IC Pinout

555 timer ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

Ticking Sound Circuit

Ticking Sound Circuit_Diagram-Schematic
ticking bomb circuit


  1. Place the 555 Timer IC on the breadboard and connect Pin 8 to VCC and Pin 1 to GND.
  2. Connect Pin 4 to VCC.
  3. Use a jumper wire to connect Pin 2 and Pin 6 together.
  4. Add a 10uF Capacitor between Pin 2 and GND.
  5. Use a 47K Resistor to connect Pin 3 and Pin 6 together.
  6. Use a 10uF Capacitor to connect Pin 3 to the Speaker and connect the other terminal of the speaker to GND

Working Explanation

The 555 timer IC will work as an astable multivibrator and produce a square wave at the output. The frequency of the ticking sound made by the speaker depends upon the charging and discharging rate of capacitor C1. When the output at pin 3 is high, the capacitor will get charged and when the output at pin 3 is low, the capacitor will get discharged through the speaker.


  • We can produce the sound of a clock and time bomb with this circuit.