Sound Activated LED Flasher Circuit using S9014


In this DIY, we are demonstrating the project of a “Sound Activated LED Flasher Circuit.” LED flashers are semiconductor coupled circuits used to turn on and off a series of light-transmitting diodes either successively or as indicated by customized design. Sound Activated LEDs can turn the LED ON or OFF when any of the sound signals gets by the circuit receiver. This is an essential “Sensitive Sound Activated LED Flasher.” this project is easy to fabricate and does not require a large number of hardware components. So let’s get started!

Hardware Component

The required hardware components to make Sound activated LEWD flasher circuit are:

S.noComponent ValueQty
1.Resistor4.7 K1
2.Resistor10 K1
4.Transistor S90142
5.DC Supply3 V1
6.Capacitor100 µF1

Circuit Diagram 


Circuit Operation

In this part, we are discussing the operation of the circuit of the “sound-activated LED flasher.” In this circuit, we are using a few hardware components like resistors, LEDs, capacitors, transistors, and DC supply. The circuit will begin sparkling two LEDs when it gets any sound signals from the condenser mic. The semiconductors in this circuit are used as switches. At the point when the receiver gets a sound signal, the signal goes to the base of the first semiconductor, which is associated with the amplifier and turns on the circuit. The circuit utilizes just 3 volts flexibly so you can utilize any little 3-volt battery.

Applications and Uses

The applications of sound-activated LED flasher circuits are found in

  1. Circuits used as indicators and controllers 
  2. Home-built projects