Simple Flashing LED using Transistors – LED Flasher


A flashing Led circuit aka Blinking led circuit is one of the simple circuits to make in Electronics Projects that demonstrate to the viewer the working of Transistors in a switching state. When we power up the circuit the LED blinks continuously.

These types of circuits are useful when we need decoration in our homes or in our hobbies like we used to make a little home from scrapes and decorate them with lighting. This circuit is also useful when we need security and sound is likely dangerous.

Flashing Led circuit is mostly used in outlets, homes, and vehicles for decoration, security, and alarm. People purchase lighting products for their bikes and cars but only the electronics lover knows what circuitry contains in those products. This circuit will help you to visualize the matrix of Blinking Led.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Flashing LED Circuit

S. NOComponentValueQty
3.Connecting Wires1
4. Transistor (NPN, PNP)BC547, 2N39061, 1
6.Capacitor 2.2uF1
7.Resistors22 ohm, 1k, 1M1, 1, 1

BC547 Pinout

bc547 transistor pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of BC547

2N3906 Pinout

2n3906 pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 2N3906

Circuit Diagram

LED Flashing circuit_Diagram

Useful Steps

Connect both transistors on the Breadboard. Now connect the 1k ohm resistor from the base of BC547 to the collector of the 2N3906 transistor. Connect 1.2uF capacitor from the collector of BC547 to the base of 2N3906. The emitter of 2N3906 is connected to VCC. Connect 1M ohm resistor from base of 2N3906 to GND. Connect a 22-ohm resistor from the collector of BC547 to VCC. Connect LED from the emitter of BC547 to GND. Now it’s time to test the circuit.

Working Explanation

After making a circuit connect the 9v battery to the circuits. Led Flashing starts at a specific interval. This interval can be varied by varying the value of the capacitor. Increasing the value of the capacitor will result in increasing the interval time of the LED. This circuit contains both NPN and PNP transistors.


The major use of this circuit is in toys for flashing lights and siren effects and for security purposes where Flashing light is more important than the sounds, Vehicles, and decoration purposes.