Simple FET Preamplifier Circuit High Impedance



In some of our articles and tutorials, we have discussed and made different types of amplifiers, including preamplifiers. A preamplifier circuit is a type of electronic circuit that converts a poor audio signal into a strong signal. Alternatively, it boosts a call to action to the required level. It acts as a channel between a signal source and a power amplifier So, here in this tutorial, we are going to make a “Simple FET Preamplifier circuit (Very high impedance)”.

In the making of the circuit, we are using FET. A Field Effect Transistor (FET) is a semiconductor device with three terminals. It works by using a controlled input voltage. JFETs and bipolar transistors appear very similar. However, the BJT is a current-controlled device, whereas the JFET is voltage-controlled.

Hardware Required

1.N-Channel Transistor2N38191
2Resistor2.2M, 1K, 1.8K, 100 ohms1, 1, 1, 1
3.Electrolyte Capacitor10uF, 100uF1, 1
4.Ceramic Capacitor0.1uF1

Circuit Diagram

Working Explanation

The above diagram depicts a field-effect transistor (FET) circuit. First and foremost, the DC power supply is powered by a decoupling system comprised of Resistor R4, and capacitor C3. The positive voltage is then applied to the drain (D), but the gate (G) demands Bias as a negative electric potential. About 3 volts is the constant voltage across R3. While the transistor’s emitter pins typically correspond to half of the power supply,

R1 and the gate are connected in a manner called bootstrapping systems with built-in positive feedback. Increasing the resistance’s efficiency causes this circuit’s input impedance to rise. And, hence, the output impedance is around 500 ohms when the signal is present.

Application Uses

  • Amplifier circuits that require high impedance.
  • This FET preamplifier circuit is appropriate for transmitting signals from the preamplifier to the amplifier circuit via longer wirings.