Simple Electromagnetic Radiation Detector using TL071


In this DIY, we are making a project for a simple electromagnetic radiation detector. Electromagnetic radiation is the energy that is produced through free space or a material medium as electromagnetic waves, for example, radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays. The term additionally alludes to the emission and transmission of such radiant energy. Generally, the radiation detector is a gadget for detecting nuclear, electromagnetic, or light radiation. Furthermore, these types of detectors are used for detecting electromagnetic radiation.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Electromagnetic Radiation Detector Circuit

5.Variable Resistor50k1
7.Battery9 – 12V1

TL071 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of TL071

Electromagnetic Radiation Detector Circuit


Working Explanation

In this project, we are going to talk about the circuit operation of the simple electromagnetic radiation detector in detail. Basically, the circuit diagram above shows a simple project of an electromagnetic radiation detector or sensor circuit. It is likewise utilized to distinguish electromagnetic fields produced from various electronic objects.

Accordingly, the circuit can be worked with only a few segments. However, the core of the circuit is a TL071 J-FET single operational amplifier. The TL071 is a high-speed JFET input single op-amp. Accordingly, this JFET input op-amp is a high-voltage JFET and bipolar transistor in a monolithic integrated circuit. LED at the output of the circuit shows a visual signal of the detected electromagnetic radiations, a multimeter can likewise be utilized in the spot of LED. Also, the loop L1 can be any phone pickup coil. The sensitivity of the circuit can be balanced with the 50K variable resistor. The working voltage of the circuit is 9V to 12V DC.

Applications and Uses

On the whole, it can detect the energy conveyed by the photons of incoming radiation.

  • Hence, It is used in the form of Radio waves
  • Also, use it as Microwaves
  • It is likewise used in the form of Visible light or different pieces of the spectrum.