Simple Doorbell with DC Backup Power Using UM66 IC


A doorbell with DC Backup Power is a doorbell circuit that is even operational when the main power of a home, office or any building is cut off. This is highly preferable in building/home areas where there is electricity shortfall, load shedding, or other technical issues frequently seen. It works with both the AC supply of the mains and the DC supply of the backup battery.

Hardware Components

2.Connecting Wires1
5.PNP Transistor2N44031
6.NPN Transistor2N44011
8.Zener Diode3v1
10.Resistor 100, 220, 2.2k1, 1, 1
11.Capacitor220uF, 0.1uF1, 1
12.Transformer100mA/500mA, 6V1
13.Slider Switch1
14.Speaker 4 ohm1

UM66 IC Pinout

um66 ic pinout

2n4403 Pinout

2n4403 transistor pinout

2n4401 Pinout

2N4401 npn transistor pinout

Circuit Diagram


Circuit Explanation

For the AC supply of the mains, a transformer is there to step down the main voltage of 2201V/110V to 6V. The variation of the output current of the transformer is from 100mA to 500mA. Four transistors 1N4007 arrangement is such that they make up a full-wave rectifier. A full-wave rectifier converts an AC voltage to pulsating DC voltage using both the positive and negative half-wave cycles of the AC power supply. The capacitor of 220µF, then, filters the rectified voltage coming from the bridge rectifier.

When the circuit needs backup or in case of mains power failure, the transistor 2N4403 shifts the circuit on the battery of 9V, automatically. Furthermore, a Zener diode, in this circuit, regulates the voltage, thus cutting it down to 3V. The rectified and filtered voltage, then, passes through 1N914 diode to the 3V Zener Diode. Cutting down the voltage to 3V is necessary for operating IC UM66. IC UM66 is responsible for generating melody for the doorbell. The IC UM66, thus, drives the 8Ω resistor that outputs the ringing of the bell.  


The doorbell circuit is useful where power shortages are frequent such as in homes, offices, and Production sites.