Sequential Sound Activated Switches – Electronics Project


The sequential sound-activated switch is an electronic device that helps you to turn on or off switches without moving yourself. The sequential sound-activated switches are creative and work as sound detectors.

It starts working when the microphone receives a sound. If you want to turn on the switch you need to make a sound that may be a clap, whistle, finger snap, or maybe another sound you want but if you want the turn off the switch you need to make the sound twice for example if you are making a clap sound you need to clap two times. The microphone is extremely responsive as it can detect sound from a long distance.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make an activated Switch Circuit

1.Decade Counter ICCD40171
2.ICNE555 Timer1
4. Transistor2N39045
5.Diode1N4148, 1N40076, 4
6.SPDT Relay5V/9V4
8.Electret Mic1
10.Resistors10K, 30K, 290 ohms, 20K Var4,1, 4, 1
11.DC voltage source5-12V1
12.Connecting wires1

CD4017 Pinout

cd4017 ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of CD4017

NE555 IC Pinout

555 timer ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

Sound Activated Switch Circuit

Working Explanation

In this circuit, we connect a power supply of about 5-12V with a variable resistor of 20K to tune the sensitivity of sound. The circuit is made up of three ICs, which are the CA3140 Operational Amplifier used to amplify the voltage, the NE555 timer used to delay time, and the CD4017 decade counter used for counting applications. There are four relay switches and the evaluation of those switches is based on the voltage you are providing through the power supply.

Application and Uses

  • Home appliances are one of the examples for which you can use this circuit to activate multiple appliances like lights, television, radio, etc.