RF Detector using BC516 PNP Darlington Transistor


Here is an improved rendition of the RF detector circuit that we have examined beforehand. Basically, the ‎sensitivity of the circuit is practically twofold as contrast with the previous one. In the event that you haven’t perused the past ‎article? Here you can locate the full instructional exercise ‘RF Detector by utilizing 2N4401 and 2N4403 transistors’ in detail. ‎

Giving you some essential information as, an RF detector or an RF receiver circuit is an electronic device that is utilized to ‎detect RF signals, Radio waves, frequencies of various radio gadgets, and electrical and ‎electromagnetic waves.‎

In the past circuit we have utilized a 2N4403 transistor to enact the bell however in this circuit we ‎have utilized a PNP Darlington transistor BC516 that has more features in contrast with the 2N4403 transistor.‎

Furthermore, the circuit is utilizing two 1N34 germanium diodes which can be supplanted by some other comparative germanium ‎diodes. Hence, for good execution utilize a 30 inches telescope receiving wire or antenna. However, the circuit can be controlled by any 9 ‎or 12-volt battery.‎


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make RF Detector Circuit

1Germanium Diodes1N342
2Darlington TransistorBC5161
3NPN Transistor2N44011
5Antenna30 inches1
6Resistor10kΩ, 2.2kΩ1, 1
7Battery9V – 12V1

BC516 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of BC516

RF Detector Circuit

Working Explanation

RF signal detector is a gadget that changes the sinusoidal RF signal into a DC voltage for ‎the ‎purpose of estimating the power level of a signal.‎‏ ‏Working of the circuit is straightforward when the two 1N34 ‎germanium diodes get an RF signal then they convert it into a DC signal. This DC signal is further ‎amplified by the NPN transistor 2N4401 and sends it to the base of the PNP Darlington transistor ‎BC516. Thus doing it switch ON and enact the bell. You can likewise utilize the OA91 germanium diode in ‎the spot of 1N34. Thus, for good execution utilize 30 inches telescope antenna.

Applications and Uses

  • RF detectors are likewise utilized to identify RF power in remote systems.‎
  • Utilizes in Voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) estimation and likewise utilizes in some other mainstream applications ‎in high-power RF speakers
  • Moreover, it is utilized to identify electrical and electromagnetic clamor in the circuit premises. ‎