P80C31 CPU with 128×8 RAM and I/O (ROMless) – Datasheet


The 80C31 contains a 4k × 8 ROM, a 128 × 8 RAM, 32 I/O lines, three 16-bit counter/timers, a six-source, four-priority level nested interrupt structure, a serial I/O port for either multi-processor communications, I/O expansion or full-duplex UART, and on-chip oscillator and clock circuits.

In addition, the device is a low-power static design that offers a wide range of operating frequencies down to zero. Two software-selectable modes of power reduction—idle mode and power-down mode are available. The idle mode freezes the CPU while allowing the RAM, timers, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning.

P80C31 Pinout

P80C31 Pin Configuration

Pin NumberPin NameDescription
1-8P1.0-P1.7 Port 1
9RST Reset
10P3.0/RXD Port 3.0 / Serial Receive Pin
11P3.1/TXD Port 3.1 / Serial Transmit Pin
12P3.2/INT0 Port 3.2 / Interrupt 0 (Active Low)
13P3.3/INT1 Port 3.3 / Interrupt 1 (Active Low)
14P3.4/T0 Port 3.4 / Timer 0
15P3.5/T1 Port 3.5 / Timer 1
16P3.6/WR Port 3.6 / Write (Active Low)
17P3.7/RD Port 3.7 / Read (Active Low)
18XTAL2 Crystal Input
19XTAL1 Crystal Input
20Vss Ground
21-28P2.0-P2.7 Port 2
29PSEN Program Store Enable (Active Low)
30ALE Address Latch Enable
31EA External Memory Enable (Active Low)
32-39P0.7-P0.1 Port 0
40Vcc Positive Supply

P80C31 Key Features

  • 8051 Central Processing Unit
  • 4k × 8 ROM (80C51)
  • 128 × 8 RAM
  • Three 16-bit counter/timers
  • Boolean processor
  • Full static operation
  • Memory addressing capability
  • 64k ROM and 64k RAM
  • Power control modes:
  • Clock can be stopped and resumed
  • Idle mode
  • Power-down mode

You can download this datasheet for P80C31 CPU with 128×8 RAM and I/O (ROMless) – Datasheet from the link given below: