Overvoltage Protection Switch Circuit



Both over and under voltages are damaging to any device or circuit. Light flickers can be caused by low voltages, while high voltages can harm the entire device or circuit. For example, in a motor, low operating voltages or high voltages may cause a motor to be burnt. Hence, we have learned that either higher or lower voltages; might cause greater damage to any circuit. So, each device requires a voltage protection circuit that can detect and protect it from excessive or low voltage. Thus, in this tutorial, we are going to make an “Overvoltage protection switch circuit”.

Along with some simple components, this circuit is also using a TL431 regulator. The three-terminal adjustable shunt regulators TL431 provide thermal stability for suitable automotive, commercial, and military temperature ranges.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Overvoltage Protection Switch Circuit

2.Voltage RegulatorTL4311
4.Potentiometer 10KΩ1
5.Resistor1KΩ, 3.3KΩ, 10KΩ1,1

TL431 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of TL431

Overvoltage Protection Switch Circuit


Working Explanation

In this Overvoltage protection switch circuit, we are using TL431 regulator IC. The adjustable shunt regulation is the principal use of the TL431 device, which has three terminals. The cathode and reference pin can be used to provide the reference regulating voltage. The regulation range is determined by the potentiometer VR1, which can be adjusted to provide a varied range of regulating voltage.

Now, if the input voltage of this circuit exceeds the limit, the TL 431 stops the voltage through MOSFET, protecting the circuit from overvoltage. This means if the input voltage of this circuit exceeds the limit, the LED1 glows and indicates the existence of output voltage

Application and Uses

  • In some power supplies, a voltage protection circuit is considered a primary feature.
  • We may safeguard the device under test from a greater voltage by employing this function.
  • It can be used in a wide range of electronic manufacturing applications.