Multiple Sound Effects Generator using MM5837 & TDA2822M IC


The sound effect generator is designed to produce multiple sound effects such as rain, waterfall, sea waves, wind river, etc. The circuit involves two ICs that are MM5837 as IC1 and TDA2822M as IC2. IC MM5837, the heart of the circuit, is a digital noise generator that outputs white noise signals for audio applications. Whereas, IC TDA2822M is a low-voltage audio amplifier.

Hardware Components

4.Resistor4.7Ω , 5.1KΩ2,1
5.Capacitor0.1µF, 0.01µF, 100nF1,1,2
6.Electrolytic Capacitor100µF, 10µF1,1
7.Cx Electrolytic Capacitor range0.1µF to 100µF1
8.Variable Resistor10KΩ1
10.Battery 9V1
11.Battery Clips1
12.Connecting Wires1

Circuit Diagram

Working Explanation

MM5837 is connected with a capacitor at its output PIN 3. This Cx capacitor is responsible for the change in sound effects by varying its values from 0.1uF to 100uF. The output from MM5837 is amplified by TDA2822M which drives an 8Ω speaker. The volume of the circuit is adjusted using the 10KΩ variable resistor.

PIN Configuration MM5837

MM5837 is an 8 PIN dip package IC that has a uniform noise quality and noise amplitude.

Pin Name Description
VDD Negative power Supply
VGG Gate supply voltage
OUTPUT Outputs sound signal
VSS Positive power supply

TDA2822M is an 8 PIN mini dip package IC that is a dual audio power amplifier. It is able to operate at a low voltage of 1.5V till 9V of battery. Moreover, it has a low quiescent current that helps increase battery life many times.


  • It is used in radio shows to give good sound effects. Also, it is applicable to the electronic field of music.