MP3 FM Transmitter – DIY Weekend Project


The “MP3 FM transmitter” circuit can be utilized as a vehicle mp3 FM transmitter circuit which can communicate your mp3 player sound on your vehicle FM radio so you can hear the main tunes on your vehicle FM radio. This circuit is extremely helpful and can play out an assortment of assignments.

For instance, you can communicate your PC sound on your home sound system or any FM recipient, you can hear your television sound on any FM Walkman by placing the sound system attachment of this circuit in the earphone jack so you can sit in front of the TV without bothering to any individual who is dozing or taking rest. The preamplifier phase of this circuit is generally excellent so it will communicate great quality sound.


Hardware Component

The following components are required to make MP3 FM Transmitter Circuit

2.Antenna6 inch1
3.Coil2 turns of 24-gauge wire1
4.Stereo Plug1
5.Trimmer Capacitor1-30pF1
6.Ceramic Capacitor330nF, 28pF, 100nF, 4.7pF, 2pF, 62pF, 10nF, 100pF, 1nF2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
7.Resistor47K, 160K, 30K, 3K, 10K, 39K2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

2N3904 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 2N3904

MP3 FM Transmitter Circuit

mp3 fm transmitter circuit

Working Explanation

Now, we will discuss the circuit of the “MP3 FM Transmitter”. In this circuit, we are using low-cost components like two 2N3904 transistors, resistors of 47K, 160K, 30K 3K, 10K, and 39K, capacitors of 330nF, 28pF, 100nF, 4.7pF, 2pF, 62pF and 10n, trimmer capacitor of 30pF, a stereo plug, and a 6V battery. L is equivalent to 2 turns of 24-gauge enameled wire twisted on 5mm previous. Utilize 6-inch wire for an antenna.

Applications and Uses

MP3 FM transmitter is a low-power FM radio transmitter that communicates a signal from a compact sound gadget. For example, an MP3 player to a standard FM radio.