LM35 Temperature Sensor Switch with IC LM358


The temperature sensor switch is built across the two ICs LM35 and LM358. The relay in the circuit activates any electronic circuit connected to it when LM35 senses the desired temperature level. Furthermore, the circuit is very simple involving just the two ICs, a transistor, and a relay connecting other electronic devices/circuits.

Hardware Required

S.noComponentValue Qty
1.Temp. Sensor LM351
2.Operational Amplifier ICLM3581
3.Variable Resistor10KΩ1
4.DC Battery5V-12V1
5.Diode  1N40071
6.PNP Transistor  2N39061


LM35 Pinout
VCCPositive supply of battery
OUTAnalog output voltage proportional to temperature
GNDNegative supply of battery


  • Celsius calibration
  • Range -55°C to 150°C
  • Low Cost
  • Operating voltage 4V to 30V

IC LM358

PIN Configuration of LM358
PIN No PIN Name PIN Description
1Output 1Output of operational amplifier 1 of the IC
2-input 1Inverting input of operational amplifier 1 of the IC
3+input 1Non-Inverting input of operational amplifier 1 of the IC
4GroundNegative battery supply
5+input 2Non-Inverting input of operational amplifier 2 of the IC
6-input 2Inverting input of operational amplifier 2 of the IC
7Output 2Output of operational amplifier 2 of the IC
8VccPositive battery supply


  • Large voltage gain: 100dB
  • Very low current drain
  • Unity gain through internal frequency gain
  • Wide range of supply voltage: 3V to 32V

Circuit Diagram

LM35 Temperature Sensor Switch Circuit

Circuit Explanation

The IC LM35 is a temperature-sensing IC that detects temperatures up to 120°C. The 10KΩ variable resistor is set according to the desired temperature sensing level. Once the value of the variable resistor is set, LM35 when senses the desired level of temperature, thus, producing a signal sent directly to LM358. LM358 is a dual-operational amplifier IC. Moreover, LM358 works as a comparator of the input voltages.

LM358 receives the input signal and amplifies it. Furthermore, to operate the relay, transistor 2N3908 amplifies the signal. Moreover, the diode connected to the relay prevents voltage reversal. Also, the relay is selected so that its rating be same as the battery voltage. At last, the relay is activated as soon as it receives the signal and, thus, activates the electronic device or circuit connected with it.  


  • Electronic Sensor circuits
  • Audio Pre-amplifiers
  • Small signal amplification