JK Flip Flop Circuit using 74LS73 – Truth Table


The JK flip flop was termed after his inventor jack Kilby which is available as IC packages. The JK flip flops work as storage devices, control circuits, and counters. These flip flops have complicated wiring and can only be used when the clock is set at high to get it activated. Such flip flops are Bi stabled latch. 

It contains J and K as two other inputs. The working is the same as those of the SR flip flops for achieving a toggling function. A HIGH input given to RESET will activate it and thus, it will be inactivated at low inputs. 

jk flip flop

The Truth Table JK Flip Flop

jk flip flop truth table

Hardware Components

The other parameters are listed down below.

1.IC Dual JK flip-flopMC74HC73A1
2.5v Voltage RegulatorLM78051
3.Tactile Switch 4
5.LED (Green, Red)5mm2
6.Resistors1k, 220k OHM4,2

Circuit Diagram

jk flip flop circuit 74ls73