Importance of PCB Solder Mask


Have you ever wondered about the green or the other color of the Printed circuit Boards? This is the solder mask. In the making of the printed circuit boards manufacturer uses the copper layer. This copper layer serves as the base of the printed circuit board. Then, all components are placed on this board. Components are connected with others through the traces, that is the copper lines. Then, a protective film applies to the PCB. After that, a solder mask coats the PCB. So, it is the last step in the fabrication of PCB boards.

Material Used for Solder Mask

Various kind of materials is used for solder masks. This depends on the size of the board, size of holes, number of holes, the density of traces, etc. The dominantly used materials are:

  • Dry Film Resist: Dry film is the photoresist. When the ultraviolet light strikes it, it hardens the surface. However, it is used when the surface of pro ted board is even and steady
  • Epoxy Liquid: This is the most widely and commonly used material. Because its price is very reasonable and affordable. Also, it gives credible protection to PCB. Moreover, it is efficient to use.

Finishes of Solder Mask

Originally, the solder mask has only one green color. Now we have seen diversity in the solder mask color. The benefit of color is that it helps in identifying different circuits. However, green color is the most widely used. There are two kinds of solder masks. This includes a matte finish and a glossy finish. Matte finish has just two colors, that are green and black. On the other hand, a glossy finish has a variety of colors including green are, yellow, black, white, purple, and blue

Resolution Range

The resolution range of the solder mask relies on the number of traces, components, thickness, and material of the layers. Firstly, the Solder mask range is from 0.2 mils to 1.6mil. Then, the mask hole plug diameter is from 10 mils to 25 mils.

Importance of Solder Mask

  • Protection from Heat: It protects the circuit from heat produced in and out of the circuit.
  • Protection from oxidation: It protects the circuit from oxidation. Also, prevents to oxidize of copper trace lines
  • Prevention from solder bridging: It prevents the circuit from accidental solder bridging. Also, helps to protect from the unexpected connection between the components. And, prevents the connection from corroding
  • Prevention from dust: Dust and other particles can cause interference It saves the circuit from dust and dirt from the substrate and the components
  • Improves Functionality: Solder mask enhances the functionality of the circuit
  • Increase Reliability: It makes the circuit more durable and increases the reliability rate of the printed circuit board
  • Improved longevity: Since it protects the sensitive electric component. Hence, maximize the longevity


A solder mask is a crucial step in making the circuit. It is necessary for the whole process of fabrication. Because it ensures efficient connections in the circuits. Furthermore, it secures the traces, components, and circuits. Hence, secure the device.