High Power Amplifier Circuit (100 Watts) Using TIP122 TIP127 Transistors


A high power amplifier is a non-linear device that amplifies a small signal to a significant level, all the while maintaining the smaller signal’s parameters. Amplifiers are an essential part of modern-day electronics. Amplifiers typically come in formats such as power amplifiers, preamplifiers & integrated amplifiers. So, in this project, we are going to build a high-power amplifier (100Watts) using TIP122 TIP127 Darlington pair transistors.

TIP122 & TIP127 are Darlington pair NPN & PNP transistor pair. they function like normal NPN/PNP transistors, but since they have a Darlington pair inside they have a good collector current rating of about 5A and a gain of about 1000. They can withstand about 100V across their Collector-Emitter terminal hence they can be used to drive heavy loads.

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make High Power Amplifier Circuit

1.NPN TransistorTIP222 1
2. Condensor Mic1
3.PNP TransistorTIP1271
4.Audio Jack port (Female)3.5mm1
7.Audio Jack (male)3.5mm1
9.DC Supply12V1
11.Connecting Wires1

TIP122 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of TIP122

TIP127 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of TIP127

High Power Amplifier Circuit

100 watt powerful amplifier circuit using tip122 tip127

Working Explanation

The working of this high-power amplifier is similar to any simple amplifier circuit. what makes this circuit unique is the robust & high-power TIP122/127 Darlington transistor pair. An Audio input taken from a general audio transducer such as a mic acts as the DC control signal for the transistor Q1. Here, a capacitor (47uF) blocks the DC component, allowing only the AC component of the signal to pass through. Transistor Q1 amplifies the signal & sends it to the base of the transistor Q2.

The TIP127 further amplifies the input signal & directs it to an audio output device such as a loudspeaker. This circuit can be operated easily by using a 12V DC Power Supply.


  • Generally functions as an integral part of high power speakers & music equipment.
  • They have also found their way into militaristic applications such as acoustic weaponry.
  • Widely used in sound systems such as speakers, high-power megaphones & large-scale acoustic systems.