Guitar Swell Pedal Circuit



Guitarists are known for their creativity, but their performance can be hindered when their hands are busy playing the strings. That’s where the swell pedal comes in – a mechanical pedal that allows them to control the volume of their music with their foot.

This innovative piece of equipment is the answer to a guitarist’s prayers, allowing them to add their personal touch to their music even when their hands are occupied. This article will delve into the intricacies of the guitar swell pedal circuit, its functioning, and how it can be calibrated to achieve the perfect sound.

Hardware Required

S.noComponentsValue / ModelQty
1IC741, 30802, 1
2DiodeD1 to D4 is 1N41484
4Non-Polar Capacitor330nF, 470nF1, 1
5Resistor100k, 470, 4k7, 10k, 27k, 100, 2k24, 1, 1, 5, 1, 2, 1
6Transformer10v / 100mA1
7V. Resistor100k1
8Polar Capacitor220uF, 10uF, 47uF1, 1, 1

Circuit Diagram

Calibrating the Circuit

To ensure the best performance from the swell pedal, you need to calibrate it. Start by assembling the pedal box to keep the circuit light-proof. Then, adjust P1 to reach the desired sound level when the pedal is not used. You can increase the sound level as required by pressing down on the foam rubber. Note that P1 should be located outside the pedal box to allow easy adjustment.

How the Circuit Works

A simple swell pedal circuit consists of a potentiometer that is operated with a foot pedal. However, the mechanical aspect of the pedal can be more complicated. The circuit is built into a flat case, similar in size to a shoe, and includes a piece of foam rubber in the shape of a wedge, an LED, and a light-dependent resistor (LDR).

When the musician presses the foam rubber down, the reflective surface on the bottom of the metal or plastic sheet comes closer to the LED and LDR, reducing the LDR resistance. This, in turn, affects the voltage across IC2 and controls the drive current that transistor T1 provides to the operational transconductance amplifier IC3.


Guitarists everywhere will be pleased to know about the guitar swell pedal circuit, which gives them complete control over the volume of their music. The circuit is easy to understand and simple to calibrate, allowing guitarists to personalize their music and make it their own. Try this circuit, and let us know your feedback in the comment section. Happy learning!