Dual LED Flasher using Relay | Flip Flop LED Circuit


In this DIY tutorial, we are going to demonstrate an amazing “Dual-LED Flasher Circuit” with step by step guide. Skimming with basic introduction first, LED flashers are semiconductor integrated circuits used to turn on and off a combination of LEDs either consecutively or as per a programmed pattern automatically. They are found in those circuits which are utilized as collectors and indicators, just as in home-fabricated projects.

There are different ways of making an LED Flasher circuit. You can make it by using relays, microcontrollers, moreover, you can make the LED flasher circuit using transistors too. Or on the other hand, you can also make the LED Flasher using segments like an inverter, relays, diodes, ICs, and so forth. Here in this circuit, we are using a 12V relay to flash the two strips of LED each having 3 LEDs.

Hardware Components

4LED strips (each with 3 LEDs)2

Circuit Construction

Step# 01

In the first step, Connect the resistor on coil pin to NC (Normally Closed) pin of the relay.

Step# 02

Also connect 2200µF capacitors on the coil pin to increase or decrease the value of the capacitor to change the speed.

Step# 03

Now, we have to take the two LED strips. Negative wire will be common on both strips so connect those wires and connect the positive wire of strip on NO (Normally Open) and NC (Normally Closed) pins of the relay.

Step# 04

Then connect the 12V battery with the circuit. Positive on a common pin of relay and negative pin on the coil.

Circuit Operation

In this heading, we will discuss the circuit operation of the Dual-LED Flasher relay. However, in this circuit, we have used a few low-cost components and it is the easiest LED flasher circuit available on the internet. Moreover, we have used a 12V relay, 220Ω resistor, 2200µF capacitor, two LED strips each with 3 LEDs and a 12V battery. By following these steps which are mentioned above, we can make the Dual LED flasher circuit and by connected it to a 12V battery, we can see that these two LED strips are flashing in the following pattern.

Applications and Uses

  • Dual LED Flasher Circuit is used in toys for flashing light or siren effects.
  • This circuit is also useful for decoration purposes such as decorating your home or bicycle.