DS18B20 Temperature Sensor


The DS18B20 is a 1-wire programmable Temperature sensor. Its main uses include measuring temperature in hard environments like in mines or soil etc. This temperature sensor can measure a wide range of temperature from -55°C to +125° with an accuracy of ±5°C.

It is a very good choice for measuring the temperature at multiple points without compromising your digital pins on the microcontroller.

DS18B20 temperature sensor


  • It has a programmable alarm feature
  • Programmable and digital temperature sensor
  • The communication is done with the 1-Wire method
  • The sensor can be power-driven from the data line

Pin Configuration

Following is the pin Configuration for the Sensor

  • Pin1 (Ground): This pin connects to the GND terminal
  • Pin2 (Vcc): This pin provides the power to the sensor (i.e Vcc voltage)
  • Pin3 (Data): This data pin supplies the temperature value
ds18b20 temperature sensor pinout

Working Principle Of DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

The working principle of this DS18B20 temperature sensor is just like a normal temperature sensor. This sensor usually gets the power within a low power inactive condition. Thus, programming does help in both the temperature measurement and the conversion. The resulting temperature information is stored within the 2-byte register in the sensor.


  • conversion time is actually less than 750 ms
  • Power Supply ranges from 3V to 5.5V
  • Current Consumption: 1mA
  • Temperature Range: -55 to 125°C
  • Accuracy: ±0.5°C
  • Resolution = 9 to 12 bit

Applications For DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

  • Measures the liquid temperature
  • In thermostatic Controls
  • Industrial Systems
  • In consumer Products
  • In Thermometers
  • Thermally Sensitive Systems
  • In HVAC systems