Clock with LED Pendulum and Tick Tock Sound


The electronic clock with LED pendulum and tick-tock sound is a fascinating DIY project for beginners, which we will address here in detail. There, the clock produces a Tick Tock sound. It likewise has a LED pendulum where 6 LED lights in forward and switch in succession like a Pendulum, each LED shines in one second. 

This circuit is simple, economical, and cheap. You can fabricate your electronic clock, which can be utilized in numerous applications like toys, robots, etc. To make this circuit, we have primarily used the NE555 timer IC, CD4017 IC, and a speaker. We have utilized 555 IC to deliver the clock pulse each second and 4017 as a decade counter to gleam the LEDs.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make LED Pendulum Circuit

2.ICNE555 Timer1
3.Variable Resistor1k2
4.Capacitor10uF, 100uF1, 1
6.Variable Resistor100K set at 72k1
8.Diodes1N4148 preferred8
9.Speaker 8 ohms1
10.Power supply or Battery5-9V1

CD4017 Pinout

cd4017 ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of CD4017

555 IC Pinout

555 timer ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

LED Pendulum Circuit

Circuit Operation

We have associated 6 LEDs to the yield Q0 to Q5, especially after every 6 LEDs, we have to sparkle them in reverse order. To accomplish this, we have associated center 4 LEDs to the yield Q6-Q9 as well. This means center 4 LEDs are associated with the two yields I. e. Q1-Q4 and Q6-Q9. Diodes have been utilized to associate center 4 LEDs and forestall the reverse current flow, with the aim that when one yield is HIGH, the current can’t be experienced as another associated yield.

So, LED 1 to 6 gleams, at that point, LED 5 to 2 sparkles (reverse), and afterward again LED 1 to 6 shines, 5-2 also, etc. Each LED flash demonstrates a second. However, the 555 has been set to create a clock pulse for every second. 

Finally, we have associated a Speaker with a 100uF capacitor to the yield (PIN 3) of 555 Timer IC so that a tick-tock sound can be created with each clock pulse every second.

Applications and Uses

This electronic clock used in the following applications:

  • Toys
  • Robots