CD4043 Quad NOR R-S Latch Tristate – Datasheet


The CD4043 IC consists of four R-S latches, made by using the NOR logical gate. There is a common 3-STATE ENABLE input for all four latches. A logic “1” on the ENABLE input connects the latch states to the Q outputs. A logic “0” on the ENABLE input disconnects the latch states from the Q outputs resulting in an open circuit condition on the Q output. The 3-STATE feature allows the common bussing of the outputs. The IC has many features such as high noise immunity, ESD barring, and excellent thermal overload protection.

What is R-S Latch?

An SR latch or an SR Flip-Flop is a combinational logic circuit, that has two inputs S and R, and two outputs Q and Q’. The state of this latch is determined by the condition of output Q. If output Q is 1 (High) the latch is said to be SET and if Q is 0 (Low) the latch is said to be RESET. An SR Latch or Flip flop can be designed either by two cross-coupled NAND gates or two-cross coupled NOR gates.

CD4043 Key Features

  • Wide supply voltage range: 3V to 15V
  • Low power: 100 nW (typ.)
  • High noise immunity: 0.45 VDD (typ.)
  • Separate SET and RESET inputs for each latch
  • NOR and NAND configuration
  • 3-STATE output with common output enable

CD4043 Pinout

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1Q4output of latch 4
2Q1output of latch 1
3R1reset input latch 1
4S1set input latch 1
5ENB enable pin
6S2set input latch 2
7R2reset input latch 2
8VSSsource supply
9Q2output of latch 2
10Q3output of latch 3
11R3reset input latch 3
12S3set input latch 3
13NCno connection
14S4set input latch 4
15R4reset input latch 4
16VDDDrain supply


  • Multiple bus storage
  • Strobed register
  • Four bits of independent storage with output enable
  • General digital logic

CD4043 Datasheet

You can download the datasheet for CD4043 Quad NOR R-S Latch with Tristate outputs from the link given below:

See Also: CD4070 Quad EXCLUSIVE-OR Gate – Datasheet | CD4075 Triple 3-Input OR Gate – Datasheet | CD4063 4-bit Magnitude Comparator -Datasheet