CCS811 Air Quality Gas Sensor Module


CCS811 is an air quality gas sensor module which is used to detect a wide range of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and is intended for indoor air quality monitoring. This sensor is mostly used in industries where it is quite necessary to control the atmospheric air quality.

Air Quality: Why Should We Care?

Worldwide, people spend 90% of their lives indoors, Modern building methods focus on energy efficiency, which is great for our environment overall. Unfortunately, though, it also results in air quality inside buildings that are less comfortable and occasionally unhealthy because there’s an insufficient exchange between indoor and outdoor air. So, an air quality gas sensor allows us to monitor the quality of air inside our houses, offices or any indoor places.

air quality gas sensor


  • Integrated MCU On-board processing
  • The standard I²C digital interface
  • Extend battery life in portable applications
  • Optimized low-power modes
  • 2.7mm x 4.0mm x 1.1mm LGA packages
  • Low component count

Pin Configurations

Pin No.Pin
1 Vin Input Supply (3.3v to 5v)
2 3V3 It gives 3.3V output Pin for external use
3 Gnd Ground
4 SDA This is the I2C clock pin
5 SCL I2C data pin
6 WAKE Called as Wakeup Pin of the sensor, it should be connected to ground in order to communicate with the sensor
7 RST Reset: When connected to ground the sensor reset itself
8 INT This is an interrupted output pin, used to detect when a new reading is ready or when the reading gets too high or low


  • Manages the sensor drive modes and measurements while detecting VOCs
  • Provides eCO2 level or TVOC indication with no host intervention
  • Simplifies the hardware and software integration
  • Extend battery life in portable applications
  • Suitable for small form-factor designs
  • Saves up to 60% in PCB footprint
  • Designed for high volume and reliability
  • (>5years lifetime)


This main use of this device is for indoor air quality monitoring in:

  • Smartphones
  • Wearable
  • Home and Building automation
  • Accessories