BMP180 Barometric Pressure & Temperature Sensor


Barometric Pressure Sensors, are the newer form of the barometer, used for atmospheric pressure measurement of surroundings. Such measurements allow for forecasting short-term changes in the weather. Barometric pressure sensors are now used in smartphones. The most common barometric sensors are BMP180, BMP280/BME280.

An Overview of BMP180

The BMP180 is a modern digital barometric pressure sensor, with high performance, which permits applications in smartphones, tablets, mobile devices, and sports devices.

Hardware Overview

In the module inside there is a chip manufactured by Bosch. The chip can measure digital pressure which can measure barometric pressure from 300hPa to 1100 hPa. The module has two wire 12C interface and can be interfaced with any microcontroller of 3.3V or 5V. The module is easy to deal with as it requires no calibration.

Working Principle

The BMP180 atmospheric pressure sensor is very simple and its working is based on air weight. BMP 180 atmospheric pressure sensor senses the pressure. The sensor comprises four basic components, a piezoresistive sensor, an analog-to-digital converter, control unit with an E2PROM 12C serial interface. When the air weight or pressure gets changed, the resistance of the piezoresistive sensor also gets changed. Since the value is analog, therefore it would get converted into digital through ADC. After that, the value goes through the control unit, and finally, it is sent to the controller through the 12C interface.

Features and Specifications of BMP180


  • Can measure temperature and altitude.
  • Pressure range: 300 to 1100hPa
  • High relative accuracy of ±0.12hPa
  • Can work on low voltages
  • 3.4Mhz I2C interface
  • Low power consumption (3uA)
  • Pressure conversion time: 5msec
  • Potable size


  • Operating voltage of BMP180: 1.3V – 3.6V
  • Input voltage of BMP180MODULE: 3.3V to 5.5V
  • Peak current: 1000uA
  • Consumes 0.1uA standby
  • The maximum voltage at SDA, SCL: VCC + 0.3V
  • Operating temperature: -40ºC to +80ºC

BMP180 Sensor Pinouts

Pin NameDescription
VCCSupply voltage +5V
SDA Data line 12C
SCL Clock signal 12C
3.3When +5V is not present. Can power module by connecting +3.3V to this pin.

Applications of BMP180

Indoor/Outdoor Navigation

This BME/BMP280 sensor provides indoor and outdoor competency for navigation. Such a navigation system can also contribute to the direct estimation of the tracking system to the users.

Sports Devices

Wearable devices for monitoring sports and fitness activities are contributing progressively due to the expanding capabilities of barometric pressure sensors like BMP180.

Smart Phones

BMP180 is contributing to the field of weather forecasting. Now one can even forecast the weather with the benefit of tiny sensors in smartphones, tablets, etc.