Automatic Solar Power LED Light



Even in this era, there are so many places having no electricity, so solar systems are the best ways to utilize there. People in many parts of the world use solar power to make or save electricity. Hence it has so many applications. From industries to malls, from schools to home automation, solar power can be used anywhere for any electrical use. Basically, it helps to convert solar energy ( energy of the sun) into electrical energy. Today we will operate LEd using solar energy. So, in this tutorial, we are going to make an “Automatic solar power LED light”.

Hardware Required

1.Solar panel6V1
3.LDR (photocell)1
4.NPN TransistorSL1001
5.LED 12
6.Regulator ICLM78061
7.Variable resistor preset50KΩ1
8.Capacitor470µF/25V, 0.1µF1,1
9.Resistor1Ω, 1KΩ, 56 Ohm1, 1, 4

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

We design this Automatic solar power LED light with the help of a 6V solar panel and 12V high white LEDs. You can also employ a 6V/4Ah SLA battery for this circuit. The circuit gets charged during the daytime when there is the presence of the sun through the wired solar panel power while during the night time this battery serves as a power source for LEDs. The photoresistor in the circuit wired in this circuit operates LEDs.

Application and Uses

  • We can use it outdoors at night.
  • In street lighting systems.
  • Also, in home automation circuits.
  • Automotive applications.
  • Art studio lighting, etc.