Arduino LCD Display Module 16×2 Character


Arduino LCD Display Modules are mostly used in embedded projects, because of its affordability and availability. The 16×2 Display LCD Module represents 16 Columns and 2 Rows. There are so many other combinations like 8×1, 8×2, 10×2, 16×1 and so on. However, 16 x 2 display LCD is most commonly used.

Arduino 16×2 LCD Display Module has 16 characters by a 2-line LCD display screen with an I2C interface. It displays 2 lines of 16 characters, white characters are displayed on a blue background.

This I2C 16×2 Arduino LCD Display Module uses the I2C communication interface. This means that we can use 4 pins for the display that is: VCC, GND, SDA, SCL. Thus, it gives us the advantage of saving 4 digital / analog pins on Arduino.

arduino 16x2 lcd display module

Pin Description

However, the basic 16×2 Arduino LCD Module has standard 16 pins

Pin no.SymbolArduino connectionDescription
1VSSGND ArduinoGround power
2VDD5 V ArduinoPower voltage for LCD
3V010 k ohm potentiometerContrast adjustment terminal connected to VDD
4RSPin 2 ArduinoSelect the instruction register i-e high and low
5R/WGND Arduinoread and write a signal line, at high read operation, write operation is low and vice versa.
6EPin 3 ArduinoIndicates enable signal
7-14D0 to D78-bit data bus lines
11-14D4 to D7Pin 4 to 7 ArduinoData bus lines used for 4-bit mode
15A (LED+)5 V ArduinoLCD backlight for positive
16K (LED-)GND ArduinoLCD backlight for negative


Power voltage5 v
Screen resolution16 characters by 2 lines
Module size80x36x12 mm
Display size64.5 x 16.4 mm


  • Ampere usage is 1mA without backlight
  • The module has an Alphanumeric LCD display and displays alphabets and numbers
  • The module can print 16 characters in each of the 2 rows.
  • Each character has a resolution of 5 to 8 pixels.
  • Easily works on both 8-bit and 4-bit mode
  • Available in Green and Blue Backlight in the market