What are RFID Tags? Its Type and Applications


Radiofrequency Identification commonly terms as RFID is an Identification system. RFID uses radio frequency to communicate with the detector/Reader. RFID tag works by receiving information and transmitting information with the help of the antenna and the microchip commonly known as RFID chip.

A user can write on the chip whatever he wants to write. It can be a code or a word or a price of an item therefore any kind of information can be written on the RFID tag.

RFID tag

Types of RFID Tags

Usually, there are two commonly used RFID tags

1. Battery Powered or Active RFID tags:

Active RFID tags need battery power in order to work which makes them less common. Also, they are much costly relative to passive RFID tags. Usually, they work on two radio frequencies 433 MHz or 915 MHz to communicate with the RFID reader. the most important point is that they should have enough power to last for 3 to 5 years.

2. Passive RFID tags:

Passive RFID tags work by using electromagnetic energy transmitted from RFID reader therefore they are very cost-efficient and economical. Passive RFID tags usually work on three radio frequency categories, Low-Frequency LF (125 to 134KHz), High-Frequency HF(13.56 MHz) and Ultra High-Frequency UHF (865 MHz to 960 MHz). High-frequency communication is also known as Near Field Communication, and terms as NFC.

Applications & Uses:

  1. Point of Sales
  2. Supply Chain management
  3. Tracking Systems
  4. Employee Identification
  5. Secure Building System
  6. Automatic Attendance System