Simple FM Transmitter Circuit using 2n3904 Transistor


In this DIY, we are demonstrating a project of a Simple “FM Transmitter Circuit”. The FM TX is a solitary transistor circuit. In telecommunication, frequency modulation transfers the data by changing the frequency of the carrier wave as per the message signal. This FM transmitter (FM Tx) is about the least complex and most fundamental FM Tx it is conceivable to manufacture and have a transmitting range.

It is an incredible circuit despite a few segments and 3V working voltage. It will effectively infiltrate more than three floors of a high rise and go more than 300 meters outdoors.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make FM Transmitter Circuit

S. NoComponentValueQTy
4.Ceramic Capacitor10000pF, 6.8pF, 36pF1, 1, 1
5.Inductor5 turns1
6.Resistor4.7K, 200 ohms1, 1

2N3904 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 2N3904

FM Transmitter Circuit


Working Explanation

Under this heading, we are going to talk about the circuit of FM TX. In this circuit, we have used a few components to make this amazing circuit. In the media transmission, the Frequency Modulation transfers the data by shifting the frequency of the carrier wave as per the message signal. SO, we have utilized a 10-inch wire as an antenna. L1 is equivalent to 5 turns of 24-gauge enameled wire twisted on a 10mm air core. The circuit can be fueled from a 3V battery, you can likewise utilize wristwatch batteries. It might be tuned anyplace in the FM band. Or then again it might be tuned outside the business M band for more prominent security.

Applications and Uses

The applications and uses of an FM TX circuit are:

  • The FM transmitters are utilized in homes like sound systems in corridors to fill the sound with the sound source.
  • The remedial offices have utilized the FM transmitters to decrease the prison noise in common zones.