5V Power Supply (5A) using TIP2955 Power Transistor


This is a common challenge an engineer definitely faces in his lifetime, to get 5V DC from a 220V or 110V AC. Sure you can buy 5V adapters off the shelf but would you really get something like a charger with 5A? To drive motors or run big LED Displays? Keeping the cost-effectiveness in mind, one can make their own pretty easily. The star of this circuit is an LM7805 IC that would be used to achieve this purpose.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make a 5V Power Supply Circuit

3.Bridge Rectifier Diode10A1
4.Transformer 230 to 12V, 5A1
5.Electrolytic Capacitor10uF, 3300uF1,1
6.Ceramic Capacitor0.33uF1
7.Resistors 1K1

TIP2955 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of TIP2955

LM7805 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of LM7805

5V Power Supply Circuit


Working Explanation:

So let’s start with the 230V AC supply. The AC supply is stepped down to 12V AC to bring it to a reasonable voltage that can be supplied to the LM7805. The stepped-down voltage is passed through a bridge rectifier, thus creating a 12V DC. The 12V DC is filtered using a capacitor and is fed into the LM7805. The transistor TIP2955 acts as a switch here and since we need the LM7805 to act as a fixed 5V supply we will attach the Adj pin of LM7805 to the ground. The 0.33uF and 10uF Capacitors are needed for smoothing the current spikes. And Voila you have your 5V / 5A Output, ready to be used.

Applications & Uses:

  • Power up your Home Automation Boards inside the Switch Board using direct Mains Supply.
  • Making a plug-and-play device such as a display with a prebuilt memory for images.
  • Using it as a general-purpose power supply.