Short Circuit Protection – Electronic Circuit


Short Circuit Protection Circuit is used to protect the electronic device when a short circuit occurs. A short circuit is just a connection between two wires (live and neutral) without any reason. It can be happened due to mistakes or when damage occurs.

When this happens then resistance at the joint becomes almost zero, therefore, all the currents pass through this junction generating way too much heat which destroys the device or it can get fire. That is why the short-circuit protection circuit is necessary for every electronic device. There are multiple kinds of these circuits available, here we will discuss the simpler ones.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Short Circuit Protection

S. NOComponentValueQty
1.Connecting Wires1
2.Transformer (Step-down)12v1
3. Transistor ( NPN, PNP )BC547, SK1001
4.Resistors1k, 330 ohms, 10k 1, 3, 1
6.Push Button1

BC547 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of BC547

Short Circuit Protection

Short Circuit Protection_Diagram-Schematic
Short Circuit Protection Circuit

Working Explanation

A simple circuit is shown which consists of two transistors (one NPN and one PNP). During normal operation the green light glows means everything is fine when a short circuit occurs, the green light turns off and the red light glows means there is a short circuit in the device. When the red light glows the flow of current from the device stops and the device became safe from damage and catching fire.