BC557 is a PNP Silicon Planar Epitaxial transistor. These transistors are mostly used in driver stages of audio amplifiers, low noise input stages of tape recorders, HI-FI amplifiers, and signal processing circuits of television receivers. BC557 has a gain value of 110 to 800. For the transistor in the saturation region, the maximum collector current is 100mA when the base current is limited to 5mA.
Typically voltages allowed across the collector-emitter(VCE) are 250mV and across base-emitter(VBE) is 900mV. For the transistor in the cutoff region, the voltage across base-emitter(VBE) is around 660mV.
BC557 PNP Transistor Pinout
1 | Collector |
2 | Base |
3 | Emitter |
Features and specifications:
- Transistor type: Bi-Polar PNP epitaxial silicon transistor
- DC Current Gain (hFE):110-800
- Collector current (IC): 100mA
- Collector Base Voltage (VCB): 50 V
- Collector-Emitter voltage (VCE): 45V
- Emitter Base Voltage (VEB): 5V
- Maximum Power dissipation: 500mW
- Junction temperature: 150⁰C
- Current gain-bandwidth product: 150MHz
- Noise figure: 10 dB
- Available in To-92 Package
Applications and uses of BC557 Transistor
- Driver stages of audio amplifiers
- Low noise input stages of tape recorders
- HI-FI amplifiers
- Signal processing circuits of television receivers