MX1508 Miniature Dual DC Motor Driver 



Motor driver modules are devices that control motors in autonomous robots and integrated circuits. A motor driver is undeniably anything that causes the motor to move in response to orders or inputs, both high and low. It leverages the low voltage from the controller/processor to power an actual motor that needs a high input voltage. In simple words, a motor driver controls the direction of the motor in response to orders or instructions from the controller. Before providing signals to the motors, the motor driver transforms signals from the microprocessor.


Overview MX1508 Miniature Dual DC Motor Driver 

This driver module is a compact dual-engine driver that may be used in small applications with limited space. Mode of Operation Dual Miniature Motors have a 2 V to 10 V input voltage and are ideal for applications such as smart automobiles, toy cars, and robotics. It can control two DC motors or two-phase stepper motors.

When the motors are locked, the driver supplies two 1.5 A channels with overheating protection, removing the chance of failure.

Features and Specifications MX1508 Miniature Dual DC Motor Driver 


  • Integrated H-bridge driver circuit
  • Low quiescent operating current
  • The module has inbuilt capacitors ad flyback diodes to tackle reverse EMF voltage spike’
  • Dual H-bridge motor driver
  • Over Temperature Protection
  • WEIGHT:70.00g
  • DIMENSIONS:24.70mm x 21.00mm x 5.00mm


  • Module supply Voltage: 2-10V DC
  • Voltage output: 1.8-7V  DC
  • Operating Current: 1.5A
  • Peak current:2A
  • Low standby current (less than 0.1uA)

Pinout of MX1508 Motor Driver 

Pin Pin Function
+Voltage Input
Motor AMotor A connects pins
Motor BMotor B connects pins
IN 1Control Signal input 1(Motor A)
IN 2Control Signal input 2(Motor A)
IN 3Control Signal input 3(Motor B)
IN 4Control Signal input 4((Motor B)

Applications of Motor Driver Module


The motor driver can control DC motors using Microcontroller. You can drive a DC motor forward or backward using H-bridge integrated circuits (ICs). This is especially useful when you are working on robots like robotic cars, etc.

DC Motors

The Motor Driver Module is a medium-power motor driver that works well with DC and stepper motors. It makes use of the well-known L293 motor driver IC. It can turn on and off four DC motors or regulate the speed and direction of two DC motors.