BP3901 Earthquake Detection Module



An earthquake is an unavoidable and unexpected natural phenomenon that frequently leads to the loss of lives and property. We won’t be able to stop it, but we can be alert and attentive by leveraging technology to protect ourselves. And, for this, we need sensors and modules. These sensors help in different industries, for example, by Stopping fuel delivery to plants and plant equipment, when an earthquake is detected, and analyzing actual damage to public offices and transportation. We may also use them in different places to avert secondary disasters by sounding alarms, providing notifications to prevent gas leaks in industries, and performing hardware crisis closure alerts when an earthquake occurs. One of those sensors includes the BP3901 earthquake detection module which we are going to discuss in this article.

An Overview of BP3901 Earthquake Detection Sensor

The BP3901 is an ultra-compact high-accuracy seismic detection sensor module designed for applications such as automated doors, autonomous transport vehicles, and smart meters that require dependable earthquake detection.

Hardware Overview

In a tiny 11.8mm x 8.6mm x 2.5mm box, the BP3901 includes a 3-axis accelerometer and a microprocessor, as well as a patented earthquake-detection system intended to identify SI (Spectrum Intensity) values. When compared to traditional mechanical sensors, this allows for exact measurement of the seismic level, allowing for precise earthquake detection. The BP3901 Module also has an angle change feature that may account for unintended module tilt, enhancing detection accuracy even more.


The waveform analysis capabilities of the BP3901 allow it to discern between a genuine earthquake and an external, non-seismic disturbance, unlike mechanical earthquake detectors that just detect the presence or absence of vibration.

Until a seismic event is detected, the module is meant to remain in standby mode. Because the device must be in standby mode for lengthy periods of time in order to run the application. It is critical to limit current consumption as much as possible during this time. By improving arithmetic computation, the BP3901 achieves low standby current consumption of around 3.5uA

Features and Specifications of BP390 Earthquake Detection Sensor


  • Enables high Accuracy Earthquake Detection in a Compact Module Form Factor
  • The angle compensation function provides a mounting tolerance of ±15°.
  • Contributes to longer application operation by reducing standby current consumption
  • Stores seismic data for analysis
  • False detection prevention function distinguishes between seismic and external factors’ vibrations.


  • Size: 11.8 x 8.6 x 2.5 mm
  • Angle compensation function: ±15° mounting tolerance
  • Standby current consumption: 3.5uA
  • Operation time: up to 5 years


Earthquake detection applications include areas where knowing about an earthquake might initiate an action to avert unwanted collateral damage caused by the earthquake:

  • Infrastructures
  • Vending machines
  • Distributing boards
  • Meters, etc