Interface AD9850 DDS Signal Generator Module with Arduino



You must have used signal generators in the electronic laboratory of your elementary school, college, or university. And, we are sure that you have got a little idea of how they work and thus you came here to make your small signal generator by yourself. In this tutorial, we will “Interface AD9850 DDS Signal Generator Module with Arduino

An electronic device called a signal generator creates both repeating and non-repeating analog or digital signals. Here we are going to use the AD9850 module which generates a Direct Digital signal (DDS).

Overview of AD9850 DDS Signal Generator

This function generator has a tiny size, a compact dimension of around cm, and can generate output waves at a frequency of 0–40 MHz with two sine wave outputs and two square wave outputs.

Hardware Overview

The AD9850 DDS Signal Generator Module includes a DSS synthesizer, a 125MHz oscillator to provide clock and timing control for the integrated circuit, and an AD9850 IC to handle all processing. The module is equipped with an internal potentiometer that can be used to change the pulse lengths and offset of the signals.


Pin NameDescription
VCCVoltage supply pin. It requires a power input of 3.3V or 5V
GNDGround pin
W_CLKFrequency Update. The DDS will update to the frequency placed in the data input register on the rising edge of this clock before resetting the pointer to Word 0.
DATAD7, Serial Load
RESETMaster reset Pin
D0–D78-Bit Serial Data Input.
Square Wave Output 1This is the comparator’s accurate output
Square Wave Output 2This is the comparator’s complement output.
Sine Wave Output 1Analog Current Output of the DAC.
Sine Wave Output 2The analog Complementary DAC output

Hardware Required

2USB Cable Type A to B1
3DDS Signal Generator ModuleAD98501
4Jumper Wires

Circuit Diagram

AD9850 Sensor with Arduino Circuit

Connection Table

ArduinoAD9850 Module

Arduino Code

#include <AD9850SPI.h>
#include <SPI.h>

const int W_CLK_PIN = 13;
const int FQ_UD_PIN = 8;
const int RESET_PIN = 9;

double freq = 10000000;
double trimFreq = 124999500;

int phase = 0;

void setup(){

void loop(){
  DDS.setfreq(freq, phase);
  DDS.setfreq(freq + 500, phase);

Working Explanation

The AD9850 module interface is relatively simple. To connect the AD9850 module, follow the diagram above. It needs three more pins for the RESET pins, W CLK, FU UD.  Once the code has been uploaded to the Arduino, the module will start generating DDS signals.

Code Explanation

  • To begin, we must install a library for the AD9850 module in the Arduino IDE. To install the library, start the Arduino IDE. Navigate to Tools >Manage Libraries. Then, in the search bar, search for AD9850. From the options,  Choose AD9850 SPI and press the install button.
  • Now in the code, we need to include the library. We included two libraries, one that we have installed above, and the other is the SPI library for communication. You can interface with one or more Serial Peripheral Interface devices using the SPI library.
  • Next, we define the Arduino pins to which the module is connected. Then we make two objects freq and timeFreq that store the double value. Know that Arduino double has an 8-byte size. After that, we define the object phase which initially holds the 0 value of an integer
  • In the void setup, we initialize the module by using the function DDS.begin. DDS.calibrate helps to calibrate the module
  • Then there is a void loop that sets up the frequencies to generate the signal.

Application and Uses

  • Function generator
  • Signal generation for electronic projects.