12V Battery Level Monitor



Gadgets and electronic devices have become a part of our lives. And, so are the batteries and their chargers. And, we all know that overcharging can destroy battery life. For a quick check of a 12-volt battery, here is a basic Battery Monitor circuit. To extend the battery’s life, its charge should be continually maintained. The battery life is reduced by both overcharging and undercharging. So, in this tutorial, we are going to “12V battery level monitor”.

In the making of the circuit, we are using LM3914 IC. The LM3914N-1 is a monolithic IC that provides a linear analog display by sensing analog voltage levels and driving 10 LEDs. With a single pin, the display transforms from a moving dot to a bar graph. The LEDs’ current drive is controlled and customizable, removing the need for resistors. This is a feature that allows the entire system to run on less than 3V.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Battery Level Monitor Circuit

1.IC LM39141
3.Variable Resistor10KΩ1
5. Resistor56KΩ, 18KΩ, 4.7KΩ1,1,1
6.2-Pin Connector1

LM3914 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of LM3914

Battery Level Monitor Circuit


Working Explanation

The LM3914 IC used in this 12V battery level monitor, often known as a dot/bar display driver, is used in this circuit. It detects the magnitude of an analog signal and controls up to ten LEDs. We may choose between a dot or a bar display depending on our needs; here, wiring PIN 9 to a positive supply produces graph output; otherwise, the IC produces a dot display. This circuit’s power source is derived from the input battery supply. The battery level is indicated by the LEDs D1 to D10.

Application and Uses

We can use this 12 battery level monitor circuit to indicate the charging mechanism in 12 Volt battery devices.