12 Volt DC from USB Port using LT1618 IC



Direct current (DC) is a unidirectional electric current in which the charge flows in the same direction. Direct currents, unlike alternating currents, do not fluctuate in direction or amperage. It’s found in a variety of household electronics as well as all battery-powered devices. DC voltage batteries are available to serve the purpose. However, one can also generate it. So in this tutorial, we are going to generate a “12 volt DC from a USB port”.

USB ports are provided on the computer, and the VCC and GND pins on the laptop give a 5V DC supply. We may use this circuitry to get the high voltage up to 35V from the USB port if we require more than 5V. The LT1618 step-up DC/DC converter has been used to build this circuit.

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make a 12V Converter Circuit

1.IC LT16181
3.Schottky Diode MBR05201
4.Inductor 10uH1
6.Resistor2K, 13K, 20K, 107K, 909K, 0.1Ω1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
7.Ceramic Capacitor10nF1
8.Electrolyte Capacitor4.7uF2
9.DC Supply12v1

LT1618 Pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of LT1618

BS170 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of BS170

12V Converter Circuit


Working Explanation

The IC LT1618 is the major component used in this “12 volt DC from USB port” circuit, while the other components are biassing elements. The 5-volt input is obtained from the USB port and the resistors R5 and R6 are selected according to the needs of output voltage needs  The current adjusted pin is PIN 4, and the current sense voltage can be adjusted by providing DC voltage. Connect pin 4 to the ground and disconnect Q1, R2, and R3 if this voltage modification is not required. Pin 9 is the IC’s shutdown pin; if this pin receives less than 0.3V, the IC will be turned off.

Application and Uses

  • Any electrical gadget using a battery as a power source uses direct current. As a result, it may be found in practically every electronic circuit.