AC Power Interruption Counter Circuit



This is a simple AC Power Interruption Counter Circuit for counting power supply interruptions. This circuit will notify you if there is a power outage or a mains disruption. . This circuit will allow us to count the number of times the AC power is interrupted using a seven-segment display ranging from 0 to 9; we can also create a two-digit counter by adding another counter stage and reset the count as needed. This interruption counter circuit counts up to nine main supply disruptions and displays the result on a seven-segment display.

In the making of the circuit, we are using CD4033. The CD4033BMS is made of a five-stage Johnson decade counter and a decoder that translates the Johnson code to a seven-segment decoded output for driving one stage of a numerical display. This device is very useful in display applications that need low power consumption. 

Hardware Required

2.7-Segment DisplayLTS5431
5.Ceramic Capacitor0.22uF1
6.Electrolyte Capacitor1uF, 10uF, 100uF1, 1, 1
7.Resistor2.2KΩ, 4.7KΩ, 33KΩ, 120Ω, 390Ω, 270Ω1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
8.3-Pin Connector1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

This AC Power Interruption Counter Circuit requires a 9V DC power supply. The first stage of this circuit is to obtain AC power that needs to be counted on interruption. This is accomplished by converting the high voltage AC supply to low voltage DC using polyester capacitor C1 and a Bridge Rectifier. Next, IC2; an optocoupler detector MCT2E detects the interruption to the AC supply, and then there is an IC CD4033, which drives the seven-segment display LTS543. A reset button is wired to pin 15 of IC1 to reset the circuit.

Application and Uses

  • Using a seven-segment display ranging from 0 to 9, this circuit will enable us to count the number of times the AC power is interrupted. This can be useful for AC appliances.