6 Watt Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier Circuit using TDA2613


Introduction to Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier

If you ever used an electronic microphone then you must have known that they take low audio signals as their input and generate the high output signals at the load, which is the speaker. The internal structure of the microphones and speakers uses the amplifier circuits for this purpose. Hence, various other electronic audio instruments like guitars, keyboards, etc also use this audio amplifier. Therefore in this article, we will make 6-watt Hi-Fi audio amplifier using TDA2613

To make this circuit try to use a good quality printed circuit board. Also, make sure to use heat sinks for the IC. You can use the supply between 15 t0 24V. But, remember that IC can’t bear more than 24Volts.

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Audio Amplifier Circuit

3.Resistor 8.2ohms1
4.Capacitors100uf, 220uf, 680uf, 22nf, 100nf1, 1, 1, 1, 2

TDA2613 Pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of TDA2613

Audio Amplifier Circuit

6-watt-Hi Fi-audio-amplifier-using-TDA2613-Circuit

Working Explanation

In the Hi-Fi audio amplifier, capacitor C4 is used as an input decoupling capacitor, given at pin 9 of an IC. Hence, a low input audio signal is given through this capacitor. On the other side, capacitors C5 and c6 are utilized as power supply filter capacitors. Capacitor C1 and the resistor are making the network that improves the stability of high frequency. capacitor C2 is the coupling capacitor for the output that drives the load.

Application and Uses

  • The audio amplifier circuit is used in public address systems.
  • Also, in-home theatrical systems.
  • In electronic keyboards.
  • In guitar amplifiers.
  • For sound reinforcement system.
  • In the domestic system.