Subwoofer Filter Circuit TL072 TL074



The subwoofer filter is basically the circuit that uses low-pitched frequencies of audio signals. The frequencies that are below the range of 200Hz are considered the subwoofer range of frequencies. They were made to augment the bass response in a stereo system. In 1970 it got more popular when used in movies to get low-frequency sound through subwoofers. Then, it got a popular in-car audio installation. Now it is very common in concerts, cinemas, etc. Therefore, In this article, we will build the Subwoofer filter.

We will make the subwoofer filter that adjusts the low power frequencies. Also, it removes distortions. Moreover, it regulates the bass boost filter. Further, it modifies the gain. We have used TL072 and TL074 for this purpose. But, you can use any opamp having a split power supply. Some capacitances are difficult to find in the market. Therefore, you can make the serial and parallel combination to obtain that capacitance. Remember, to mount the integrated circuits on their holder.

Hardware Required

1.Resistor47K, 100K, 120K, 4.7K, 47K, 82K, 220K, 1K, 1.5K, 2.2K3, 5, 2, 6, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1
2.Potentiometer 5K1
3.Capacitor0.15uf, 0.01uf, 0.10uf, 0.12uf, 0.18uf, 1uf, 0.068uf2, 8, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
4.Quad Op-amp IC TL074, TL0722, 1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation of Subwoofer Filter

In this subwoofer filter circuit opamp, U2 and U3 make the high pass filter for the left channel. While U1 is used as a buffer, that couples the signal coming from a high-pass filter. In the same vein, U9 and U10 are making the high pass filter for the light channel. And, U8 is a buffer here, that couples the input coming from the high pass filter. Then, U4 mixes the output of U1 and U8. This output is then coupled to the input frequency of the low pass filter having U6 and U5. This low-pass filter has a frequency of 200Hz. Using the potentiometer, the output of the filter is coupled with the U7. Hence, U7 drives the load

Application and Uses

  • The circuit can be used in concerts and cinemas
  • It is also used in the car audio installation
  • Also, in the theatrical system, etc

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