TDA8341 Television IF Amplifier – Datasheet


The TDA8340 and TDA8341 are integrated IF amplifier and demodulator circuits for colour or black/white television receivers, the TDA8340 is for application with NPN tuners and the TDA8341 for PNP tuners. The TDA8340 and TDA8341 are pin-compatible successors with improved performance to types TDA2540/2541 and TDA3540/3541

IF Amplifier

An (IF) Intermediate Frequency amplifiers are stage amplifiers used to raise signal levels in radio and television receivers, at frequencies intermediate to the higher radio-frequency (RF) signal from the antenna and the lower (baseband) audio or video frequency that the receiver is recovering.

TDA8341 Pinout

TDA8341 Pin Configuration

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1BALANCE IN 1Balance IF Input 1
2DECOUPLING 1IF Amplifier Decoupling 1
3AGC STARTING POINTTuner AGC Starting Point Adjustment
4AGC OUTTuner AGC Output
6AFC ON/OFF SWITCHAFC On/Off Switch And Sample and Hold Capacitor
7REFERENCE CARRIER 1Reference Carrier 1 Pi/2 rad. Phase Shift
8PICTURE CARRIER 1IF Picture Carrier Passive Regeneration 1
9PICTURE CARRIER 2IF Picture Carrier Passive Regeneration 2
10REFERENCE CARRIER 2Reference Carrier 2 Pi/2 rad. Phase Shift
11VCCPositive Supply Voltage
12VIDEO OUTVideo Output
14AGC CAPACITORIF AGC Capacitor and VCR Switch
15DECOUPLING 2IF Amplifier Decoupling 2
16BALANCE IN 2Balance IF Input 2

TDA8341 Key Features

  • Full range gain-controlled wide-band IF amplifier
  • Linear synchronous demodulator with excellent intermodulation performance
  • White spot inverter
  • Wide-band video amplifier with noise protection
  • AFC circuit with AFC on/off switching and sample-and-hold function
  • Low impedance AFC output
  • AGC circuit with noise gating
  • External video switch for switching-off the video output
  • Reduced sensitivity for high sound carriers
  • Integrated filter to limit second harmonic IF signals
  • Wide supply voltage range
  • Requires few external components


You can download this datasheet for TDA8341 Television IF Amplifier from the link given below: