Simple Flashing LED using Transistors


Today we will learn how to make an LED flashing or LED blinking circuit using only transistors. We will be using two transistors to make this circuit instead of 555 Timer IC because the transistors are cheaper and are easily available in the market.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make an LED Flashing circuit

S. NOComponentValueQty
2.Connecting Wires1
4.Transistors (NPN, PNP)BC547, 2N39061,1
5.Resistor22 ohm, 1K, 1M 1,1,1

BC547 Pinout

bc547 transistor pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of BC547

2N3906 Pinout

2n3906 pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 2N3906

LED Flashing circuit

LED Flashing circuit_Diagram
flashing led circuit using a transistor

Working Explanation

This circuit works as an astable multivibrator circuit, which we can view on an oscilloscope. Being an astable multivibrator, the state of the circuit is constantly changing and this change affects the flow of current and voltage, which will be visible on the LED.

For this blinking LED circuit to work properly, we simply need some resistors, so that the LED doesn’t get burnt out. To adjust the blinking speed of the LED, change the value of the capacitor and the resistor. The transistors do not necessarily have to be BC547, you may use 2N2222 or similar small-signal transistors, but It is recommended to always use the equivalent transistors.


  • Can be used on roads for signaling purposes.
  • We can create a dancing LED circuit by combining many similar circuits, which we can use for advertisement boards