Simple Latching Circuit using 555 timer


In this video, we will learn to make a Latching circuit using a 555 Timer IC. This Latch circuit can be drawn in several ways but we are using 555 Timer IC. In the inner configuration of this IC flip flop and comparator circuit are present which helps the circuit to behave like a toggle switch


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make a Simple Latching Circuit

S. NoComponentsValueQty
3. SwitchSPDT1
4.ICNE555 Timer1
5.Resistors10k, 100k, 1k2, 1, 1
6.Capacitor 1uF1

555 IC Pinout

555 timer ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

Latching Circuit Diagram

Working Explanation

The latching circuit is a logic circuit having two inputs known as a set and reset. The latch circuits are of two types. Active High in which input is set to ground and latch is triggered by high signals. Active Low in which input is set to high and latch is triggered by low signal.

The above circuit works as a toggle switch. It has two states High and low. This device will remain on unless you push it to reset and similarly will remain off unless you set it. It works like a Flip Flop. This circuit is made up of 555 Timer IC which will et it ON and the button is to be pressed to change the state.


  • Latches are used to encode binary numbers
  • They are used in data storage as they are single-bit storage elements
  • Latches are used as storage devices.