LED Chaser Circuit


You probably witnessed various types of adornment lighting patterns. Among them, the LED Chaser circuit is generally widespread. Meanwhile, many circuit tutorials are available on different sites regarding LED Chaser circuits. However, this DIY circuit tutorial is unique and simplest. Thus, In just a few minutes you will have your own LED Chaser. Henceforth, you can likewise utilize it in your home decoration, Car interior lights, and in many other places. 

However, in this LED chaser circuit, we have made a fascinating LED squinting pattern. It is however done by utilizing a 555 timer IC and Decade Counter IC CD4017. It additionally uses a few external components such as capacitors, resistors, and LEDs. The circuit is further powered by a small 9 volts battery.


Hardware Component

The following components are required to make LED Chaser Circuit

1.ICNE555 timer1
2.Counter ICCD40171
3.Resistor1k, 10k, 150 ohm1
4.Variable Resistor10k1
5.Capacitor10uF, 100nF1, 1
8.Battery9 Volt1

CD 4017 Pinout

cd4017 ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of CD 4017

LED Chaser Circuit

Circuit Operation

Meanwhile, the working operation of this circuit is simple and adorable. Here, we have likewise employed a 555 timer IC in Astable mode for creating a trigger pulse for a short time span. Henceforth, a variable resistor is associated with changing the cycle frequency of the 555 timer yield. However, a CD4017 counter IC is additionally related to this circuit to give the LEDs a lighting effect.

Also, the ten red LEDs are further associated with Q0-Q9 (pin 3) through a 150-ohm resistor. MR (pin 15), and 555 timer pin (pin 13) are legitimately associated with ground and likewise, the output pin of the counter is straightforwardly associated with the yield pin of 555 Timer. Thus, the circuit gives a blinking effect in a sequential manner. You can likewise change the speed of LEDs with the help of a 10k Pot.

Applications and Uses

This circuit can likewise be used in many applications from home decoration to security alarms. Meanwhile, the most popular application of LED Chaser circuits is deployed in advertising displays, running light ropes, and in small discos. Additional applications are in Knight riders, decoration of home, shops, and likewise parties and occasional lightings.