15V Dual Power Supply Regulated


In this DIY, we make a 15 Volt Dual Regulated Power Supply by using a few low-cost components. If you are learning electronics and have an interest in audio projects, you’ll be acquainted with “dual power supplies.” Most low power soundboards, for example, pre-amps require anywhere from +/ – 5V to +/ – 15V. Having a dual voltage power supply makes it simply a lot simpler when prototyping or simply general fixes.

This power supply is not difficult to assemble as it for the most part utilizes off-the-rack module boards except for the regulator board, which you’ll need to construct yourself.


Hardware Component

The hardware components required to make a 15 V Dual Power Supply are:

1.Transformer18V 1A1
3.Capacitor10uF, 2200uF, 10nF2, 4, 2
4.ICLM7815, LM79151

LM7815 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of LM7815

15V Dual Power Supply Circuit


Circuit Operation

In this circuit, we are using a few low-cost components which include a transformer, diodes, capacitors, and two ICs LM7815 and LM7915. The circuit of a 15 V dual power supply is shown above. The yield of the circuit is +15V and – 15V DC. The 110V or 220V to 18V “center tap” transformer is utilized to step down the mains voltage. The Diode D1 to D4 plays out the cycle of correction which will change over 18 V AC to 18 V DC. The 2200 uF capacitor is utilized to channel the voltage originating from the diodes, and different capacitors in the circuit are utilized for “decoupling.” The LM7815 and LM7915 are voltage controller ICs which step down their input voltage to direct Dual 15V DC.

Applications and Uses

This board is a “dual regulator power supply” which gives both positive and negative voltage at 15V and can be utilized with the circuit which has an operational amplifier that requires double power sources.