Automatic Water Pump Controller using 555 Timer


Today we are going to make a project on an automatic water pump controller circuit. This circuit will automatically switch on the water pump or motor when the level of water reaches below the required level and then automatically switches off the pump when the tank is filled. It can be used for various purposes and not only to control the water level but also other kinds of liquids. The main component of this circuit is a 555 timer IC.

There are three probes in this circuit, they will detect the high and low levels of water. The probe which is marked as the upper-level probe will detect the upper level of water when the tank gets full. So you should position this probe at the level where you want the pump to switch off. The other two probes marked as bottom level probes will detect the bottom level of the tank so you should position them where you want the pump to switch on.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make the Automatic Water Pump Controller Circuit

1.DC Supply9-12V1
3.Resistor390K, 1K2, 1
4.Ceramic Capacitor100nF1
5.ICNE555 timer1

NE555 IC Pinout

555 timer ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

2N3904 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 2N3904

Automatic Water Pump Controller Circuit


Working Explanation

The operating voltage of this circuit is 9 to 12 volts DC. This circuit is built around the timer IC NE555. When the water will be below the bottom level probes the IC will be activated and turns the relay on, which will turn on the pump. When the tank gets full it will reach the upper-level probe and the IC will give a low signal at its output which will turn off the tank. The sensitivity of the circuit is controlled by increasing or decreasing the value of the two 39K resistors. You can operate it with low voltages but make sure to use the relay with the same voltage

Applications and Uses

  • Pools
  • Tanks
  • Containers
  • Washing machines.