DIY 12 Volt Soldering Iron – Homemade


In this DIY, we are going to make a “12V Soldering iron”. A “soldering iron” is a hand apparatus that provides heat to melt the solder as it can flow into the joint between two workpieces. This process is called “Soldering”.

A “soldering iron” is made out of a heated metal tip and a handle. We can heat the metal tip by passing an “electric flow”. The electricity can be provided through “battery cables” or “electrical lines” through a resistive heating component. This is one of the easiest tutorials available on the internet for making a 12V soldering iron.

diy soldering iron

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make 12V Soldering Iron

1.Wood Piece1
2.Copper wire8mm1
3.Heat Resistant1
4.Nichrome wire32awg1
5..Copper wire1mm1
7.Battery Clip with wire1
8.Battery / Transformer12V1
9.LED Light (Optional)12V1

Circuit Construction

Step# 01

First, make the tip by rubbing 8mm Copper wire.

Step# 02

Then take a wood piece and make a 4mm hole with a drill machine.

Step# 03

Cover the 8mm copper wire with heat resistance.

Step# 04

Join the 8mm copper wire with a wooden piece.

Step# 05

Use 35cm 32awg nichrome wire and wrap the nichrome wire on the 8mm copper wire.

Step# 06

Wrap the 1mm copper wire at the upper and lower part of the 8mm copper wire. 

Step# 07

Join the ON/OFF Switch by connecting it to the lower 1mm copper wire.

Step# 08

Connect the red battery clip with wire to the ON/OFF Switch.

Step# 09

Then connect the black battery clip with wire to the upper 1mm copper wire.

Step# 10

Now join all wires to the wood piece with tape.

Step# 11

Connect the 12V battery with the soldering iron.

Step# 12

Finally, we can test the soldering iron.

Step# 13

You can also use LED lights for indication.

Step# 14

You can also use the 12V transformer instead of a battery.

Working Explanation

Under this heading, we will discuss how the circuit of the “12V soldering iron” works. In this circuit, the main components are 8mm Copper wire, a wood piece, and a transformer. 8mm copper wire works as a metal tip, a wooden piece works as an insulated handle and a 12V transformer provides an electrical connection. We have also used heat-resistant, nichrome wire, and 1mm copper wire for better results. We can also add an “on/off switch” and a “12V LED light” for indicating whether the soldering iron is in operating condition or not.

Applications and Uses

Soldering irons are used to solder electronics components 

  • To install chips like ICs, resistors, capacitors, etc. on the circuit board.
  • To repair or change IC or any other electronic components on electronic circuits.