Single Cell 1.5A Li-Ion Battery Charger


The single-cell Li-ion battery charger has many current cutoff points, which permits its operation from either a USB port or ‎a higher power input supply. For example, an AC adapter and wireless charging are some of these types of devices. For an adaptable system, the ‎battery charges in three different stages:

  • Precharge
  • Quick charge steady current
  • And constant voltage

Moreover, the LTC1731 is a constant current and constant voltage linear charger. It is utilized for some single-cell ‎lithium-ion batteries. Moreover, Nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries can likewise ‎charge with constant current by utilizing their outer terminal points.‎

Hence, the Li-ion battery charger is a voltage-limiting device. It is similar to lead-acid systems. The ‎difference between these two batteries is, that Li-ion has a higher voltage for each cell as compared to NiCd batteries. Moreover, it has a good voltage resistance and the nonattendance of ‎trickle or floats charge at full charge mode.‎

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make 1.5A Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuit

1.Battery ChargerLTC1731-4.21
2.Schottky Power RectifierMBRM120T31
3.Resistor1k, 0.2Ω, 19.6k1
4.Capacitor0.1µF Timer, 1µF, 10µF1
6.P-Channel MOSFETSi9430DY1
7.Li-Ion BatteryDischarged1

Si9430DY Pinout

1.5A Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuit

1.5A Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuit_Diagram-Schematic

Working Explanation

In this circuit, the outer resistor sets the accuse current of 5%. Also, an internal resistor divider sets the last float potential with 1% exactness. The yield float voltage is set ‎internally to 4.1V. At the point when the input supply is evacuated. The ‎LTC1731 automatically enters a low current rest mode, dropping the battery channel current to ordinarily ‎‎7A.

An inside Comparator identifies the end of charge (C/10) condition. While an automatic timer ‎using an outer capacitor sets the charge time. Completely discharged cells are consequently trickle-charged at 10% of the modified current. Until the cell voltage surpasses 2.457V. The LTC1731 is accessible ‎in the 8-pin MSOP packages.‎

Applications and Uses

  • High-Efficiency Switch Mode Charger
  • Separate power path control
  • Thermal Regulation Protection
  • Over and under voltage surge protection